Chatham University

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Upcoming Events

  • Feb

    Concept to Launch - Online

    06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
    "Concept to Launch" is a 6-week entrepreneurial training program for entrepreneurs in the early stages of starting a business.

    Dates: Six Wednesday evenings from 6-8 PM starting on February 19th and ending on March 26th.

    The Spring program will be offered Online Only and offered at a reduced rate of $65. The program is capped at 30 participants.

    Current CWE Members can take the class for the further reduced price of $20. Email for the coupon code.

    Required: Zoom capable device and internet access to participate for all classes.

    Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who complete four or more classes live.

    Classes focus on:

    - Developing the business ... read more
  • Mar

    Digital Service Training Series: Websites that Work - Turning Visits into Value - HYBRID

    12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
    This five-part training series is designed for small business owners interested in understanding the essence of creating effective websites. The series not only covers the foundational aspects of website strategy but also dives deep into advanced strategies that make websites stand out. Through a blend of lectures, collaborative discussions, and real-world applications, business owners will gain comprehensive insights into website creation, ensuring their digital presence aligns with their business goals. The goal of this series is for business owners to leave with a website they’ve built that brings value to their business.

    The training series will run on Tuesdays from 12:00PM-2:00PM on March 4, March 11, March 18, April 1 and April 8 (No Class on March 25). The p ... read more
  • Apr

    Webinar: Understanding Your Commercial Lease: Key Provisions Before You Sign

    06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
    Are you thinking of renting a commercial space for your business? Renting commercial space is a big responsibility - the success or failure of your business may ride on certain terms of the lease. Before you sign a lease, you should understand the terminology in the contract and agree with the basic terms of the lease, such as the amount of rent, the length of the lease, what is included in the rental rate, external costs, the configuration of the physical space and if you are able to get out of the lease if needed. This webinar will cover both the legal angles and the real estate perspectives of signing a lease.

    Topics covered include:

    - How to review a commercial lease
    - Basic Terms of the Lease (length and renewal options, price, sublease, termination)
    ... read more

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  • CWE is excited to celebrate our designation as a National WBC of Excellence for 2024!
    CWE is excited to celebrate our designation as a National WBC of Excellence for 2024!

  • Support the Center | Center for Women's Entrepreneurship at Chatham University